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mode competition中文是什么意思

用"mode competition"造句"mode competition"怎么读"mode competition" in a sentence


  • 波模竞争
  • 模竞争,波型竞争
  • 模式竞争


  • Investigation on transverse modes competition characteristics of vertical - cavity surface - emitting lasers
  • Finally , by numerical calculation , the advantage of two - beam coaxial gyrotron in interaction efficiency and mode competition are discussed
  • Due to applying double beams , the velocity spread is lower because of smaller influence of space charge compared with single beam mig . in the interaction region this beam is easy to start oscillation and reject mode competition effectively
  • In the experiments , the phenomenon of the fringe frequency doubled we observed , ha hind that the resolution of the optical feedback system we doubled and the sensitivity of din optical feedback system we also improved after the modes competition between both the polarized light beams
  • The mode competition is much improved . it may operated with a large electron beam radius , that means decreasing the space charge effects compared with a smaller radius beam with the same current , hence the rbwo may operated with a low axial guide magnetic field . besides , the rbwo with a sinusoidal corrugated coaxial structure is very easy to manufacture
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